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Everything posted by MC874

  1. MC874


    Hi @amammt, Game Guardian and Termux requires SU / Root. Without that it wouldn't work. I see that you're using virtual spaces app, please try virtual machine: - VphoneGaGa - X8sandbox - VMOS Pro
  2. Hi @astrooo, it depends, some virtual spaces does provide root settings and some of them only intended for cloning apps. You need to mess around with the virtual space app settings and look for root permission. But I suggest you to abandon using virtual space and use virtual machine instead: - VphoneGaGa - X8sandbox - VMOS Pro
  3. Hi @gelo_19, Game Guardian requires root to access memory (RAM). I assume you're using Virtual Space, then I recommend you to change it with Virtual Machine: - VPhoneGaGa - x8Sandbox - VMos Pro - F1VM If you still find difficulties with daemon then run this command using: termux su setenforce 0 Then go inside Game Guardian -> "Fix it" button -> Switch to work with SELinux. I hope that helps.
  4. Hi @Alex150 What are you trying to do here? This make no sense as you're doing nothing with it. You doesn't even store it as variable or using it at all. /*****************\ You have alot of unnecessary escape characters, just change "" with '' to fix it. Escaping character with \ makes it worse. /*****************\ *Note: If your script doesn't work after fixing the above, there's might something wrong with the payload or there's another problem in other part of the script.
  5. Hi @OREW, Have you tried: GGIL2CPP. Field is different from methods. You need to find the class objects (pointer) then add it with the field offset. Or you can just find the class name string -> pointer (Usually Cd) -> add field offset to each pointer and find if the value is correct with the current in-game values. There's might be multiple pointer because some old field instance/class object have not yet flushed/removed from memory. "Walkspeed" field is public, so it should be modifiable.
  6. Hi @Player686776, Sure...
  7. Hi @Player686776, it is unexpected that PvZ has some kind of protection. To my knowledge you can just find the value, change it and it would works normally. So you can try several things: - Find the display value that works -> goto the address of that display value -> find the neighboring address that has purple colored address (also change if there's multiple of them) -> change the value to 0 -> the real value might close to that display value - Or you can try to find the xored sun value: number_of_sunX4 (7X4) and while editing you should retain the X4 (99999X4), something like that. You can also increment the X by 2 if there's no results found: (7X2, etc)
  8. Hi @KINGVINAYYY If that's the case. You can just use Zygisk Modmenu as replacement to Game Guardian: Zygisk-ImGui-Menu
  9. Hi @JoseCmanXD, It is most likely tobe auto-generated and it is not a class name. The field "f__mg$cache0" is derived from "LuaCSFunction" class, which perhaps a class that loads in-game LUA script. "CharacterBaseAttributeWrap" is also class name.
  10. Hi @KINGVINAYYY, This is not the case with LiApp, so Cheat Engine can still be used. You can either do: - Bypass Emulator: it is quite easy to do, you just have to spoof libBluetooth, libhoudini, build.prop, cpuinfo, and /proc related. You can pull this off by using "mount --bind" on /proc directory between emulator and real devices. - Or you can instead use Magisk Zygisk module or frida to disable AppSealling detection.
  11. It is. It acts like external cheat program that runs outside Android, so the game couldn't be able to detect it. I mean you need some Android emulator to pull this off. Cheat Engine that runs on Windows and the game runs on Android emulator, it is separated.
  12. Hi @MooExplosion, you're handling it incorrectly, the 'for'-loop is only enumerating 'specify' table and not 'specifytwo' gg.searchNumber("1620;728;1620;728::13", gg.TYPE_DWORD) results = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) if results ~= nil then specify = {results[1], results[3], results[5], results[7], results[9], results[11]} specifytwo = {results[2], results[4], results[6], results[8], results[10]} --Notice the bracket: (specify) for k, v in ipairs(specify) do specify[k].value = '2400' specifytwo[k].value = '1080' end for k, v in ipairs(specifytwo) do specifytwo[k].value = '1080' end gg.setValues(specify) gg.setValues(specifytwo) end /*********\ Since this is group searches, You can just refine the value first to specific value then change it all Example 1: --'d' suffix is for DWORD gg.searchNumber('1620d;728d::5') results = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) --Refining '1620' from result then change it to '2400' gg.refineNumber('1620', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.editAll('2400', gg.TYPE_DWORD) --Reload results -> refine '728' -> Change it to '1080' gg.loadResults(results) gg.refineNumber('728', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.editAll('1080', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.clearResults() Example 2: --'d' suffix is for DWORD gg.searchNumber('1620d;728d::5') results = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) --Changing specific value from results for k, v in ipairs(results) do if tonumber(v.value) == 1620 then results[k].value = 2400 elseif tonumber(v.value) == 728 then results[k].value = 1080 end end gg.setValues(results) /*********\
  13. MC874

    hacking values

    Hi @machok, what do you mean by 'adding 1 unit'? Is it adding 1 to every value or address?
  14. Hi @MooExplosion, gg.getResults() returns a table, and yes, you can specify which value to grab just by defining what index table that you want to get. So, you can either be specific or eliminate value to narrow it down (if changed value exist) --Get the 2nd and 9th position from the results results = gg.getResults() if results ~= nil then --Notice results[2] & results[9] specify = {results[2], results[9]} for k, v in ipairs(specify) do specify[k].value = '2400' end gg.setValues(specify) end --Eliminate changed values / refining results = gg.getResults() gg.refineNumber('2400', gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  15. Hi @St3gm4, Yes, it safe as it only sends signal for Android to allow lower sdk apps. /***********\ The development has been stagnated for almost 3 years. It looks like that it reaches EOL (end of life). /***********\
  16. MC874

    Installation problem

    Hi @Nackszt, looks like Game Guardian can't reinstall itself, this is because changing it's name for random to hide from app detection. Basically, you need to install Game Guardian manually that located in the mentioned directory: This is usally happens because Game Guardian couldn't get Root permission upon installation. So I suggest you to migrate using Virtual Machine instead of Parallel Space: - VPhoneGaGa - x8Sandbox - F1VM
  17. Hi @angel88888, This is certainly not the case with UE4, you can either do the following: - Dump the UE4 library using: UEDumper, UE4-Dumper, AndUE4Dumper, UE4Dumper (It also requires GWorld & GName offset, similar to metadata.dat) - Search the Speedhack value manually using Fuzzy search. Try to make the character runs -> search -> stop player -> search (do these repeatedly until the results is narrowed down)
  18. MC874


    Hi @amammt, Perhaps because of the game being updated, the value are changing. You either need to find the value from the start or you can try to fix Game Guardian SELinux: Run these command with: Termux su setenforce 0 Then goto Game Guardian -> "Fix It" button -> Switch to work with SELinux /*********************\ Perhaps the value is overrided by something or it is read-only. Have you tried to 'freeze' the value? /*********************\
  19. Hi @Ardit19, if not false then gg.removeListItems(res) end I'm not sure what you're trying to do here. Are you checking if results are empty or you're doing some flagging here? --Check if results are empty: checks = gg.getResultsCount() if checks ~= nil then res = gg.getResults(checks) gg.clearResults() for i, v in ipairs(res) do v.address = v.address + 0x8 end gg.addListItems(res) end If you're doing some flagging/conditioning, you need to store it as variable so you can edit it anywhere. flags = false if not flags then gg.removeListItems(res) end /*******************************************\ gg.addListItems(gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount())) res = gg.getListItems() gg.clearResults() if not false then gg.removeListItems(res) end for i, v in ipairs(res) do v.address = v.address + 0x8 end gg.addListItems(res) It is better that you're editing the 'res' variable first before adding them to saved list using addListItems(). Otherwise, you will have duplicated items in your saved list. /*******************************************\ Coming to your question. You can store them first into a temporary variable: temp_res = {} for i, v in ipairs(res) do if v.value == 12340000 then temp_res[#temp_res + 1] = { name = "Name 2" address = v.address value = v.value flags = v.flags } elseif v.value == 12345000 then temp_res[#temp_res + 1] = { name = "Name 3" address = v.address value = v.value flags = v.flags } elseif v.value == 12345600 then temp_res[#temp_res + 1] = { name = "Name 4" address = v.address value = v.value flags = v.flags } end end gg.addListItems(temp_res) Or you can edit remove it directly, the index will change: for i, v in ipairs(res) do if v.value == 12340000 then v.name = "Name 2" elseif v.value == 12345000 then v.name = "Name 3" elseif v.value == 12345600 then v.name = "Name 4" else table.remove(res, i) end end gg.addListItems(res) Edit directly without changing indexes: for i, v in ipairs(res) do if v.value == 12340000 then v.name = "Name 2" elseif v.value == 12345000 then v.name = "Name 3" elseif v.value == 12345600 then v.name = "Name 4" else res[i] = nil end end gg.addListItems(res) /*******************************************\
  20. Hi @aosslsksksmd, yes and no. It depends on the game itself, but generally it is not possible as in-app purchases involve google play services. You might just try edit the currency value itself.
  21. Hey @emanon_k, glad that works for you. I still suggest to use: magisk instead of rooting. Game nowadays has strict security. You can find how to do 'magisk' online as there's many of them. Good luck
  22. Hi @Modingph, I have the same problem but with different game. I suspect there's something wrong with the dumper causing incorrect offset in dump.cs, because of that, I always take offset from another dumper that dumps from memory. You might try: GGIl2CPP or badcase-toolbox.
  23. Hi @Allah123, could you please be more specific about 'it always failed'? Samsung Galaxy S20 is based on Android 10 - 13, I suggest to use downgrade your Android version to 10 (stock version) as newer Android is NOT compatible with most VM apps. After that, use: VPhoneGaGa.
  24. Hi @emanon_k, sure what kind of help that you need? Is it about rooting or the game crashing a lot on your emulator? If it's about rooting, then you need to do it manually on Bluestacks: 1) Editing config file: Root BlueStacks 2023 2) Use BlueStack Tweaker: BSTweaker You can use another emulator such as: LDPlayer, MuMu Player, or Nox Player if you find it hard. I hope that helps
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