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Everything posted by Ioexception

  1. --EXAMPLE ONLY g.net = gg.prompt({ 'Select file',--1 'Output',--2 'Add Password Text',--3here you can put your password 'Check this to add password'-- 4check this to add password },g.net,{ 'file', 'path', 'text',--3 password text 'checkbox',--4 check this if want to add password }) if g.net[4] == true then data1a = "gpass = gg.prompt({' Input password: '},{[1]=''},{[1]='text'})" data1b = "if not gpass then os.exit() end if gpass[1] == '"..g.sel[3].."' then gg.toast(' Password correct!')" data1c = "else gg.alert(' Wrong Password!') os.exit() end" data1 = data1a..'\n'..data1b..'\n'..data1c addpass = on else data1= '' end -- this is an Example Only for Password
  2. This script is Online. He use Webhost. I also tried to decrypt with gg mod its fully decrypted. But you can decrypt by basic compiler. DECOM.luaBadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.lua
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