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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2019 in all areas

  1. Watch on YouTube: 87.7: Speed up scripts. In some cases, 28 times - GameGuardian
    4 points
  2. OK. I think about some solution.
    2 points
  3. I bought it and it works beautifully!
    2 points
  4. Version 1.2 (32-Bit)


    Wanna debug your code ? But lazy to start remote debugging ? Use this, just put your address and ready2go ! Use this, might usefull when you want to know the caller, encrypted pointer, anything inside register. - Features: Dump Register Write Register Copy register to clipboard Jump onto register Note: Only work on 32-Bit Arm Processes. Don't forget to leave ❤, if it help you. Source: Github
    1 point
  5. Not really giving enough info for anyone to help.... Game/link Original value - Edited value...?
    1 point
  6. I do not know what kind of yellow color it is. Show on the screenshots. Looks like you're talking about the color Double, but I'm not sure. At the moment, arm assembler is not the current task, but this is in the long-term plans.
    1 point
  7. @Enyby The yellow color that's the default for the memory browser, can that be changed? Or offer a new color? I find that yellow very difficult to see when phone brightness is set very low. Or might just brighten the yellow some? Could do orange, since it doesn't match any value types colors, Also, you still working on or considering the ability to input arm opcode and gg convert it in editing to the correct hex?
    1 point
  8. 1.I don't know what I have to fix, if I repair the script it's easy but in the previous GG it didn't have a problem ,, 2.I'll just ask if it will be fixed or i'am fix my script? Tes.lua.lua
    1 point
    Helppp why cant i run the script alwayys error say Script ended: ------------------- Invalid binary script header. Unknown version. Expected '52' but found '85'. Unknown format. Expected '0' but found '7'. In future versions of GameGuardian, this script cannot be run. Write about this to the author of the script. ------------------- ------------------- Invalid binary script header. Unknown version. Expected '52' but found '6a'. Unknown format. Expected '0' but found '45'. In future versions of GameGuardian, this script cannot be run. Write about this to the author of the script. ------------------- __/\\\\\\\\\\\________________________________/\\\\\\\\\\\__________/\\\\\\\\\_ _\/////\\\///_________________________________/\\\////////////\\\_____/\\\////////__ _____\/\\\_________/\\\____________________\//\\\______\///____/\\\/___________ _____\/\\\______/\\\\\\\\\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\___\////\\\__________/\\\_____________ _____\/\\\_____\////\\\////____\/\\\/////////_______\////\\\________\/\\\_____________ _____\/\\\________\/\\\______\/\\\\\\\\\\_________\////\\\___\//\\\____________ _____\/\\\________\/\\\_/\\__\////////\\\\\\___/\\\____\//\\\___\///\\\__________ __/\\\\\\\\\\\____\//\\\\\____/\\\\\\\\\\\___\///\\\\\\\\\\\______\////\\\\\\\\\_ _\////////////////______\///////____\////////////////____\//////////////////___________\/////////__ The script wrote 22 B to 0 files. How to fix this?
    1 point
  9. Saving input between script restarts local configFile = gg.getFile()..'.cfg' local data = loadfile(configFile) if data ~= nil then data = data() end local input = gg.prompt({'Please input something'}, data) if input == nil then os.exit() end gg.saveVariable(input, configFile)
    1 point
  10. Frozen values from the search Search for the number 10. The first 7 results are frozen with a value of 8. gg.searchNumber('10', gg.TYPE_DWORD) local t = gg.getResults(7) for i, v in ipairs(t) do t[i].value = '8' t[i].freeze = true end gg.addListItems(t)
    1 point
  11. Avoid use global variables Global variables is slow. Also if you put local gg = gg At top of your script it can speed up it. Just one line. Now see tests: local n = 1000000 local t = os.clock() for i = 1, n do gg.isVisible() end t = os.clock() - t print('use global gg: '..t..' seconds') local gg = gg local t = os.clock() for i = 1, n do gg.isVisible() end t = os.clock() - t print('use local gg: '..t..' seconds') a, b, c = 1, 2, 3 local t = os.clock() for i = 1, n do c = a + b end t = os.clock() - t print('use global vars: '..t..' seconds') local a, b, c = 1, 2, 3 local t = os.clock() for i = 1, n do c = a + b end t = os.clock() - t print('use local vars: '..t..' seconds') Results: use global gg: 2.138 seconds use local gg: 1.6 seconds use global vars: 2.068 seconds use local vars: 0.727 seconds It is not big difference, because I run it on powerful emulator. On real device it can be more slow. You can see disassembled code - for global vars need more Lua instructions, so it more slow in any case. Upvalue too slow, Because of that better define local copy of var in places where you need optimization. For example huge math.
    -1 points
  12. The topic for various examples of Lua scripts
    -1 points
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